Wednesday, September 28, 2005


Yankee baseball player Derek Jeter has been sent a threatening letter, that allegedly accused him of being a "traitor to his race" for dating white women, and warned him "to stop or he'll be shot or set on fire". Jeter's mother is white and his father is black, making him "bi-racial" (or whatever the official PC term is). So which race is he a traitor to exactly? Whom is he allowed to date? I'm not following. Not only is this a threatening letter, it's also moronic. You know, it's idiots like this that make ALL racists look bad. If you're going to be a racist, at least take a few minutes to check your facts.

1 comment:

Jeff K said...

I mentioned this to Rob, and he had another valid question: of what race is the racist letter-writer? This is not clear either. I assumed he was black, and Rob assumed he was white.

This should be a lesson: get your agenda straight before you write your next racially-charged note.