Thursday, July 12, 2007


I started writing a blog post for to celebrate the 10th anniversary (7/1/1997) of this influential album two weeks ago, but life got in the way. For those of you brave souls that really want to read my lengthy praise of it (for once, it's not a rant!), go visit The Dump. Meanwhile, here's the video for a track off the album called "No Surprises". It neatly illustrates the song's narrator who describes his longing to leave his living-in-a-fishbowl existence ("A job that slowly kills you"--ha!) by literally putting singer Thom Yorke's head in a glass bowl and filling it with water. Mr. Yorke is not an attractive frontman, a shortcoming which is magnified during the 1 minute in which his head is submerged. Wow, that lazy eye is even more stunning.

Last year Easy Star All-Stars released a complete version of the album. Here's their excellent cover of "Subterranean Homesick Alien".

(I also recommend their Dub Side of the Moon (2003), which (I hope) is self-explanatory.)

Radiohead "No Surprises" [YouTube]
Easy Star All-Stars Radiodread [Amazon]
Radiohead 7 Television Commercials [Amazon]
Radiohead OK COMPUTER [Amazon]

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