Monday, May 19, 2008


I have to admit, Ben Stiller has not done much for me lately; he kind of lost me after the completely unnecessary Meet The Fockers. However, this (red line/R-rated) trailer for Tropic Thunder, a new action/comedy he wrote/directed, is pretty damn funny.

1 comment:

Kris said...

I had read a Timeweek article about Robert Downey Jr and they talked about him being transformed into a black man and how good he is in this role. I'm not a huge Stiller fan, but Jack Black makes me laugh.

If the movie's as good as the trailer it looks like fun.

As I wrote this, I feel terribly like a Youtube commenter, so I'll just go ahead and add one such comment:

i balck as well an im laughing my ass at this movie cuz i think its hilarious XD. its jus that some ppl know wen stuff is a joke an laugh an some ppl see it as an insult. i know this is a joke an they arent trying to insult anyone so ima laugh :)