Wednesday, March 29, 2006


After I was informed that I could sell my blog on the black web market for nearly $3K, or approximately 500 pints, I was trying to analyze what exactly '' has to offer. A while back, I started this thing to give myself and a few friends a place to tell jokes, share ideas, air their grievances. Mostly, it's turned into me spouting off about nothing of any great importance. In fact, some of the stuff I posted about a month ago I no longer have any interest in, I frequently use the same jokes, and restate the obvious. So basically, I'd call it a "stream-of-crapulousness" blog. (You know, Karl has said this before, and I agree: I even hate the word "blog". has even started calling their game logs "glogs". Ugh. What a shitty trend.)

So what is so special about my blog, and why does it exist in the first place? I don't really know, because I certainly don't have an "agenda". I'm not out to "make a difference", get a job writing "comedy", shake up the "status quo", or spread "truthiness" about this crazy world we live in. After I type out a post and slap it up here, I wonder what other people (if there are any) think of this blog. More importantly, what do they think about ME? This is what I believe people who don't know me have probably learned about me just by reading my posts:

I complain and rant a lot, without getting political or preachy.
I offer no stunning revelations, nor any incredible insight.
I make fun of a lot of easy targets, and sometimes in a snarky and sarcastic way.
My interests are probably not all that interesting to other people.
I'm highly opinionated, and don't like other people who are highly opinionated.
I come off as if I think I'm always right (which I am).
I steal photos and content from other websites.
I frequently make jokes, often at someone else's expense, and usually at my own expense.

Okay, maybe that's a little harsh. Or maybe that's accurate, I don't know. But at the very least I hope it's at least a little entertaining. That was the whole point. I'm not out to rock the blogosphere. So for those who do accidentally find themselves on this blog, welcome! And I apologize.